Our Programs
"Free the child’s potential and you will transform him into the world"
-Dr. Maria Montessori
Joyful Scholars Montessori (JSM) places children into multi-age groups, which normally span three age levels. Children stay with their teachers for three years. This allows teachers to develop close, long-term relationships with their pupils, allows them to know each child's learning style very well, and encourages a strong sense of community among the children.
School Calendars
Our primary through adolescent classes attend school on a modified year-round schedule. Research suggests that a modified year-round schedule allows for greater retention over the shortened summer break, while allowing for just as many days off throughout the year. Families enjoy the opportunity to vacation together in off-peak times, and instructors are able to effectively plan creative units for each six-week school period.
Our students, families, and staff have collectively chosen to extend our learning to a modified year-round schedule. We are excited to provide year-round instruction according to the schedule below.