Frequently Asked Questions
Registration FAQ
How do I register my child at JSM?
The first step is to contact us! We will ask you to set-up a time to come and observe our school and/or meet your child’s potential teacher. Shortly following the observation/meeting we will contact you on next steps.
What are tuition and rates?
First time enrollees: new rates for the 2024-25 school year are posted below. There is a per child enrollment fee of $200 due at enrollment and necessary to secure a spot.
Once-yearly materials/supplies fee: $350 due June 1st
Full-time tuition for Kinder-12th: $715/ month for 12 months, due the 1st of each month
Part-time tuition for preschool (morning session for 5 days a week): $600/ month for 12 months, due the 1st of each month
How does JSM decide who is enrolled?
Returning students are given priority before enrollment is open to the public. Once the open enrollment period begins (usually March 15), new students are welcomed after the parents have completed an observation (*see below for details) and the faculty has met with the student. Of course, we accept students without regard to race, religion, gender, ethnicity, or national origin. Preference is always given to families who see the value in the 3-year cycle and plan on keeping their child enrolled for all three years of the cycle they are in, whether that be preschool-Kinder (known as Primary), Grades 1-3 (Lower Elementary), Grades 4-6 (Upper Elementary), etc. Especially at the Primary level, we encourage families to recognize the importance of completing Kindergarten as well as the first two years of preschool. This is a foundational year according to Dr. Montessori, and a Primary experience without the crowning jewel of Kindergarten is considered incomplete and the student will not be well-prepared for elementary school. Though we do not at this point require a contract, we do prefer to admit students who are likely to stay with us through Kindergarten, and we hope, all of elementary as well!
What are the age requirements for pre-K and kindergarten?
We accept students beginning at age 3, so long as they are able to use the toilet independently.
How do I schedule an observation?
Using the “contact us” button on our website, let us know who your child is (age, grade, and anything else you would like us to know), where you are from, and whether your child has any previous Montessori experience. We will reply with a few options for your observation. The parent/guardian then comes and completes about 45 minutes of observing without the child. This is so that the adult may truly absorb what our classrooms are all about, without needing to tend to anyone. We think you will enjoy seeing our students in action!
Does my child need prior Montessori experience?
Not necessarily, but especially in the elementary classrooms, prior Montessori experience will be very helpful, most notably in the area of mathematics.
General FAQ
How does JSM handle questions of religion and faith?
Though JSM is not a religious organization, its teachers seek to support the faith of the students they serve, and to recognize the importance of addressing issues of faith with care and sincerity. In the tradition of Dr. Maria Montessori, JSM strives to remain neutral in discussions about faith, the existence of God, and the origins of the universe, but encourages students to explore their own families’ beliefs in a respectful way. Students journal about specific questions or themes that arise, and then take their writings home to serve as discussion-points with their families. Students hear that while everyone may not agree on issues of faith, we have a responsibility to exhibit mutual respect. Also, students are encouraged to honor the particular traditions of their families as relates to faith, holidays, etc.
Will it be hard to attend a traditional classroom if a child transitions out of JSM?
Parents often wonder how their students will do in a regular classroom after graduating from a Montessori program. Without a doubt, the difference in approach is great, and it takes intentional planning for Montessori students to integrate successfully into traditional schools. Although it is ideal if a child attends JSM all the way through high school graduation, we realize that sometimes that isn’t an option for a variety of reasons. During the months preceding a student's graduation from their current program at JSM, they will be exposed to the skills necessary to thrive in the culture of their new school, and JSM teachers will work closely with families to find the best fit for their soon-to-be graduate.