Serving the beautiful Wenatchee Valley since 2012

Why Joyful Scholars Montessori?

Joyful Scholars provides a holistic preschool - 12th grade education in the Montessori tradition, empowering students to use sound judgement, evaluate and understand the world around them, and be well-informed, contributing citizens.

Our areas of emphasis include high-level literacy and language development, natural studies and mathematics, global awareness and environmental appreciation, civic engagement, social responsibility, and peace education. We also offer music and art instruction, as well as a focus on physical education and healthy living.

Are you ready to learn more?

Our Programs


Ages 3 - 6 years, Preschool-Kindergarten

Lower Elementary

Grades 1st - 3rd

Upper Elementary

Grades 4th - 6th

Adolescent Community

Grades 7 - 12th

Upcoming Board Meetings

  • March 18th, 5:30pm, Walla Walla Building

Upcoming Fundraiser Meeting

  • February 4th, 6pm, Walla Walla Building and TEAMS

Weather closure and delay information

School begins Monday, January 6th.